
I’m Meredith….and I’m a Pinaholic!

Saying I love pinterest might actually be an understatement!  I am hooked on it but I honestly don’t think it’s a bad addiction (or at least I keep telling myself that).  I’ve used tons of recipes, tips, crafts off of pinterest and there are tons of ideas I would have never thought of.  If you haven’t been on it, you should be…if you comment below I would love to send you an invite!  If you are on it…follow me because frankly I pin cool shit :)

Follow Me on Pinterest

So, I’m going to do something fun with my addiction – a 30 day Pinterest Challenge.  (With my right hand in the air) I Meredith Dowdy commit to creating, cooking, crafting or cleaning one pin every day from September 1 through September 30 and write a blog about it!  Fun right?  

And for one lucky reader, you are going to get a $30 gift card to Target…because who doesn’t love Target.  All you have to do is follow my blog (click on the “Join my site” button under My Followers) and comment on one of my 30 day Pinterest Challenge posts.  Each comment will get you one entry for the gift card…so comment one time or every day.


  1. Genius idea! I pin a ton of stuff and try a lot of it too, I really should document that! Love your blog, I'm a follower now!

    1. Thanks Danae!! I have to admit that I don't think I would do every day for 30 days again but the upside I am getting a lot accomplished :)

      Thanks for following :)
