
You're not that Pinteresting & Winner of the Gift Card!

It's over...It's over!  Happy Dance :)

My husband literally told me on a daily basis..."You're not that Pinteresting!"  And every day he got the look (you know that "Go to Hell" look that every woman has in her arsenal) .  But by about week 2, it ended up being a game of me trying to sneak pictures of my pins/blogs and my husband trying to catch me in the act.  Needless to say he is very glad this is over too!

So what have I learned from this?
  • I will never commit to blogging for 30 days straight again!  Like EVER!
  • I am very productive when I post something on a blog...for some reason I feel I have to prove myself and when I put it out there I'm automatically committed to it.
  • I am craftier than I thought I was. See Day 3, Day 6Day 12 and Day 29.
  • My daughter is a diva whether I want her to be or not.  See Day 7 and Day 9.
  • I actually bake more than I thought I did. See Day 2, Day 5Day 21 and Day 30.
  • I love Nutella! See Day 5 and Day 15.
  • I still don't know what baking soda does in tea...mystery was never solved. See Day 24.
  • Some pins fail and it's okay. See Day 11.
  • You crazy followers have made me really BRAVE. See Day 17 and Day 26.
  • I like easy and low cal recipes. See Day 8, Day 10, Day 13, Day 20, Day 27, Day 28 and Day 30.
  • And I feel very loved and really appreciate everyone's sweet comments, motivation and support!  I'm sure I would have quit during week 1 if it wasn't for everyone reading and commenting.
I hope you all enjoyed reading as I created, cooked, crafted and cleaned my way through 30 Pins!


So now...onto what you have all been waiting for - who's ready to go shop at Target?  I love this place and can NEVER leave with the few things I go in to get.

There were 98 comments over the 30 days and the winner is Megan at Amazing Love!!!  Congratulations - please email me your address to mere.dowdy@gmail.com by October 2nd at 9:00 pm to claim your gift card.

And I am going to be totally honest...I am going to take a little blogging hiatus for a few days.  My family deserves it and dang it I deserve it to!  


  1. WOOHOO!! Thank you so much for the opportunity to be a winner! Interesting enough, I'm doing my very 1st giveaway on Wednesday and was a little jealous that I couldn't enter to win my own giveaway. This makes it totally better. I'm tickled PINK! I'll probably get a couple of cute shirts or maybe a pair of shoes. THANK YOU!


  2. I totally saw Megan and thought it was meee!!!! Lol bummer! But congrats to the other Megan :)

  3. Wow I don't think I could blog or do something from pinterest for 30 days straight! You rock though for doing it.

    I found you from Holly's blog. I'm a sponsor too :)

    xoxo-Annie @crazy/simple mama

  4. Way to go for blogging 30 days straight! Youre one brave mama!!

  5. I just started reading your blog and love it! I laughed at your description of your daughter being a little diva. So is my youngest. You never know when the DIVA is going to come out though :/
