
Christmas 2012...The Beautiful!

It's been a bittersweet holiday!  We had Good and Bad and now comes the beautiful.

If there is one thing I want to teach my daughter it is to give back.  We are very blessed and my family is fortunate for everything we have.  By no means are we rich but we are able to provide for our family and still have the "extras."  So this year during my Pinterest Challenge we created a "Giving Jar" and Addison has been putting money in it.

Each year, Addison's school does an Angel Tree and all the families are asked to pick items off the tree to donate back to kids who won't have presents under their trees for Christmas.  This year, I let Addison pick 4 items off the tree, then we headed to Walmart and she got to go shopping with the money from her giving jar.  Here were her picks:

Addison was also really proud and delivered her presents to the schools tree the next day.

And on a side note...there are still good people in this world. We were checking out at Walmart in one of the self check out lanes and Addison insisted on using her money from the giving jar (which was pretty much all change) the lady behind us came up to me and started to hand me a $5 bill.  I explained to her that my 3 year old saved all this change by herself and was buying presents for kids that didn't have any and wanted to use the money (change) she saved.  Her and literally everyone around us turned and told Addison how sweet she was and what a kind gesture it was.  It was a very proud Mommy moment for me.  


And how can I forget the Beautiful snow we had on Christmas in Dallas!  It was a white Christmas!  

Cold Snow!

Mommy's Snow Angel

Addi's Snow Angel

 Making a little Snowman!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

Christmas 2012...The Bad :(

Christmas this year wasn't all cookies and eggnog :(  For almost 2 weeks straight I was the Lysol Queen.  We got hit with awful, terrible, disgusting stomach flu.  

After Addison's sweet school performance on December 12...it was a total pukefest for 3 days straight.  Followed by an ear infection and fever for another 3 days.  My poor baby has never been as sick as she was.  

She (We) slept on a mattress on the living room floor for 3 days and literally did not move.  She would barely eat or drink anything and would throw up all her medicine every time we gave it to her.  We were all miserable.

Unfortunately, her birthday party was scheduled for that Saturday.  Needless to say we had to reschedule  (fortunately, we celebrated as a family earlier in the week).  But the only date option available was the Saturday before Christmas...so we ended up going from about 10 kids down to 3 kids :(  But they all had fun playing at the "Ark" at her Wild Birthday themed party.    

Grammy and Addison on the Big Slide

Happy Birthday to you!

We also missed Christmas at my grandparents house in Corsicana which was kind of depressing.  She is the BEST cook and we missed out on a true Czechoslovakian meal.  

Then Christmas Eve...my poor hubby started running a fever.  Yep...the flu strikes again.  He literally missed all of Christmas which is his favorite holiday.  And when he finally went to the doctor after running a 104 fever, he missed the window for Tamiflu so he has had to ride it out.  So I played nurse again shoving popsicles, chicken noodle soup, crackers and medicine down his throat.  

And now...for New Year's we are all snotty, congested and have sore throats.  So tomorrow night will be a stay in, rest, take plenty of nyquil and go to bed early kind of night.  

I am ready for this holiday to be over and I'm putting my glass up high for a healthy start to the new year!  We are doubling up on Black Eyed Peas.  

Christmas 2012....The Good

Welcome to the Dowdy Christmas 2012!  Since I haven't posted in for.ev.er, this is going to be a 3 parter.  First up...The Good!

This Christmas has been so much fun with Addison.  She finally "got" Christmas and just seeing the magic through her eyes was really amazing.  So, here's a little picture recap of all the wonderful things we did this year:

Addison's school performance!  My little actress :)

I found out my sister is pregnant!  I can't wait to spoil this new little one :)

We did Elf on the Shelf for the week before Christmas.  Addi loved her elf Ali and we had a blast coming up with fun (mischievous) things for Ali to do.  My favorite was Ali making herself a tutu!

Driving around with Hot Chocolate and Cookies looking at Christmas lights.

 Making Reindeer Food and Christmas Cookies for Santa and Rudolph.


Mike excited about a new game for his Play Station!

Addison opening...check out the mess behind her! 

Addison and my Grandpa cuddling up :)

Christmas morning...checking out everything Santa brought. 


Santa listened and brought her a new "Big Girl" Bike and a Doc McStuffins Doctor Kit.


Santa (my parent's neighbor) brought one last gift to my parents on Christmas morning.

My Dad opening his stocking...we LOVE stockings in my family.  They are my favorite!

My sweet nephew Cody getting a Lego table.

I got a new camera!!!  I was totally surprised!

Stay tuned for Part 2...The Bad :(


Day of Silence & Support...

Twas 11 Days Before Christmas

Twas 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38
when 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven’s gate.
their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air.
they could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.
they were filled with such joy, they didn’t know what to say.
they remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day.
“where are we?” asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse.
“this is heaven.” declared a small boy. “we’re spending Christmas at God’s house.”
when what to their wondering eyes did appear,
but Jesus, their savior, the children gathered near.
He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same.
then He opened His arms and He called them by name.
and in that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring
those children all flew into the arms of their King
and as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace,
one small girl turned and looked at Jesus’ face.
and as if He could read all the questions she had
He gently whispered to her, “I’ll take care of mom and dad.”
then He looked down on earth, the world far below
He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe
then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand,
“Let My power and presence re-enter this land!”
“may this country be delivered from the hands of fools”
“I’m taking back my nation. I’m taking back my schools!”
then He and the children stood up without a sound.
“come now my children, let me show you around.”
excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran.
all displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can.
and I heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight,
“in the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT.”
(Written by Cameo Smith, Mt. Wolf, PA)


You've Got Questions....I Have Answers!

The lovely Chrissy from Mama Chrissy's Chaos and Emilee from Fly Me Away have nominated me for a Liebster Award!  First off thank you very much ladies and please go check out their blogs.  Now onto the answers you've all been dying to know :)


Mama Chrissy's Questions:

1.  What's your favorite Christmas song?  Mariah Carey "All I Want For Christmas is You"
2.  You have a free day, no Hubs or kids or work, what do you do?  What I want to do is get a massage, get day drunk and hang out with some of my best girl friends.  If I ever get a free day...unfortunately it's usually spent doing chores or running
3.  Do you have a favorite Soap Opera?  What is it?  Not a Soap Opera Girl
4.  Were you a Daddy's Girl or Mama's Mini Me?  Definitely a Daddy's Girl growing up but now I am close with both my parents
5.  Hot tea, coffee, or cocoa?  Coffee but only one cup and only if my hubby makes it (I am picky)
6.  What's your favorite day of the week?  Friday...It's jeans day :)  And I have every other Friday off so this is my bonus day.
7.  Favorite season?  Fall...just before it gets cold
8.  Apple Cider or Egg Nog?  Egg Nog for sure...yummo!
9.  Morning person or Night owl?  Night Owl...I hate mornings and so does Addison.
10. Are you a planner or spontaneous?  Planner...I run Festivals and it's my job to be organized.  I go Cray Cray if things aren't somewhat put together.
11. What's your favorite Pinterest recipe?  Skinny Wine A Rita - Yep I'm plugging a recipe that's mine.  But it is soooo good :)

Fly Me Away's Questions:

1.  Whats your favorite color?  To Wear - Black, To Decorate - Rust Red
2.  What would you do if you only had 24 hours to live?  I hate to even think about this...hug and kiss my daughter for the entire 24 hours and I would have to show my husband where we keep all the bills and info (he literally has no clue).
3.  You have three wishes, what do you wish for? And you cant wish for more wishes!  Wish 1: Enough money that I could work part time and be able to spend more time with Addison.  Wish 2:  Family Vacations every year.  Wish 3:  For my daughter to be a "good" girl and not give me the payback I know I deserve :) 
4.  What was your favorite song when you were a teen?  I loved Rap Music...the first song that comes to mind is "Donkey Butt"
5.  What's your last text message say? Last Four Responses were:  ":)" - "You're Welcome" - "Yes" - "Yep"...I'm a lady of few words
6.  Do you have a weird talent?  No but it would be really cool if I did.  I love the movie "What Women Want" and I would love to hear what men think for one day.  
7.  What was your favorite 90's sitcom?  Friends...hands down...no questions asked
8.  Who's your favorite actor?  Channing Tatum...Sexy, Sexy, Sexy
9.  Have you ever done and extreme sport? Like Sky diving?  Nope...I did swim with sting rays in Grand Caymen
10.  What is the best date you have ever been on?  Hubby totally sucks at romantic stuff so it's been awhile but the best date was probably dinner at Tru Lucks then a Comedy Show at the Improv
11.  Why do doctors leave the room when you change? They're going to see you naked anyway.  Oh I hate the girly exams...paper sheets, freezing room and a doctor making awkward conversation to try and make me more comfortable.  

Thanks again for the nominations!  


Happy 3rd Birthday Vlog!

Happy Birthday Addison Michelle!  I can't believe you are 3 years old today, it feels like just yesterday you were my tiny little newborn.

We had a sugar filled FUN day today!  Mike and I both took off work and we had an "Addi" day.  We let her pick what we did all day today.  We started with Bounce Houses and ended with cupcakes...what 3 year old wouldn't love this.  So here's a little picture recap - 

Bounce House Fun!

Lunch at the Purple Cow

And who doesn't love presents and a cupcake with a ginormous mound of icing!

And here's Addison's Vlog debut...I saw this idea on Pinterest to ask your kiddo the same questions each year on their birthday and I thought it would be fun to do it on video.  So here is Addi answering my 15 questions...she is such a silly girl :)

Here are the questions and the answers:
  1. How old are you?  3
  2. What is your favorite thing to eat?  Blueberry Pie
  3. What is your favorite animal?  Zebra
  4. What is your favorite color?  Pink
  5. Who is your best friend?  Addison
  6. What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy?  Play
  7. What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy?  Play with toys
  8. What is your favorite book?  Christmas
  9. What do you want to be when you grow up?  A Big Kid
  10. What is your favorite game?  Doggy
  11. What do you sleep with at night?  Thumper and Wubby and Stuff
  12. What is your favorite toy?  Roxy
  13. What do you like to watch on TV?  Bee (Bee Movie)
  14. What is your favorite snack?  Blueberry Pie
  15. What was the best thing you did on your birthday?  Blueberry Pie

Addison's 3 Year Old Stats:
Weight - 33.4 pounds (75%)
Height - 39.5 inches (95%)


Holiday Shenanigans!

I am finally in the Christmas mood!  This past weekend really sealed the deal and it's finally winter weather outside...we had SNOW.

We had a fun filled Holiday Weekend and it started with a kid free night!  My parents are the best and kept Addi while Mike and I went to his company Christmas Party.  It was filled with food, laughs, friends and lots of drinks.  And they had a photobooth...this was sooooooo much fun...totally recommend it!

And Saturday we got to celebrate Christmas with Mike's mom, sister and niece.  The girls and I headed to see Christmas lights after dinner and we stopped off at a concert and food truck round up.  Addison was super scared of Santa at first but then after getting a special treat she changed her mind and finally sat on his lap for a picture.  

Sunday morning we constructed a gingerbread house...and no one told me how hard it was to make all the pieces stay together...it took way more than one try :)  The girls were totally occupied for over an hour decorating.

It was a great weekend...and another plus...presents are ALL wrapped (which I hate doing), house is cleaned (thanks to our overnight guests) and we have tomorrow off work for Addison's Birthday (I can't believe she is 3!). Addi and I are going to do an extra special Birthday Vlog tomorrow so make sure you check it out.  


Lastly...Congrats to Becca at Four Buggers for winning the Cuddlebug Cards Give Away!  I have a turn around time of 24 hours right now and can still get you your Holiday Orders!


I own you 7 miles!

Look at this!!!  Whoo Hoo!!!  I ran 7 miles today and I owned it!  

It was slow going, HOT (Seriously 82 on December 3rd?) and super windy but I pushed through and got in the full 7 miles.  I ended up on some new trails (there are tons by my house) and almost got lost.  I also tried some "gu" which was totally disgusting and made my stomach hurt.  I tried the sport beans last weekend but they were too hard to chew while running...so I'm not really sure where to go from here - what do you guys use to keep the energy up on long runs?

I'm on Week 5 of this training program and you know what this means...I made it to 7 miles and I'm signing up for the Cowtown Half.  

Here are my miles so far:
Week 1 - 8 miles (Long 4 miles)
Week 2 - 10 miles (Long 5 miles)
Week 3 - 11 miles (Long 6 miles)
Week 4 - 12 miles (Long 6 miles)
Week 5 - 7 miles (Long 7 miles) *I was sick on Tues and Thur so didn't get my 3 milers in

During my run today, I ran by the park/playground that I used to run straight to then back home (round trip was 2 miles).  And a feeling totally overcame me - I have made it SO FAR in a year.  Last year a 2 mile run was normal for me.  Now a 2 miler is a warm up...I am incredibly proud and humble that I am accomplishing this.  I can't imagine how the finish line feeling will be at 13.1 but I am so looking forward to it.

And I'm not gonna lie...I almost quit at mile 5 and I really, I mean really had to push the last .2 miles.  I literally collapsed on the floor when I got home.  Hot, Sweaty, Stinky, Sore - PROUD Mere

And a special shout out to the women who have pushed me to keep this goal going and who I look to everyday for inspiration.  Hop on over to their blogs and check them out - Melanie, Elle Noel and Gina!


On another note...tomorrow is the last day to sign up for the Cuddlebug Cards Give Away.  It's 50 Free Cards and Labels people and just by being a follower you can enter.  Go Sign Up...you have a really good chance of winning!  

Check out this talent...the give away can be used for Birth Announcements, Invites, Christmas Cards...whatever is on my etsy shop or something totally CUSTOM!