
I own you 7 miles!

Look at this!!!  Whoo Hoo!!!  I ran 7 miles today and I owned it!  

It was slow going, HOT (Seriously 82 on December 3rd?) and super windy but I pushed through and got in the full 7 miles.  I ended up on some new trails (there are tons by my house) and almost got lost.  I also tried some "gu" which was totally disgusting and made my stomach hurt.  I tried the sport beans last weekend but they were too hard to chew while running...so I'm not really sure where to go from here - what do you guys use to keep the energy up on long runs?

I'm on Week 5 of this training program and you know what this means...I made it to 7 miles and I'm signing up for the Cowtown Half.  

Here are my miles so far:
Week 1 - 8 miles (Long 4 miles)
Week 2 - 10 miles (Long 5 miles)
Week 3 - 11 miles (Long 6 miles)
Week 4 - 12 miles (Long 6 miles)
Week 5 - 7 miles (Long 7 miles) *I was sick on Tues and Thur so didn't get my 3 milers in

During my run today, I ran by the park/playground that I used to run straight to then back home (round trip was 2 miles).  And a feeling totally overcame me - I have made it SO FAR in a year.  Last year a 2 mile run was normal for me.  Now a 2 miler is a warm up...I am incredibly proud and humble that I am accomplishing this.  I can't imagine how the finish line feeling will be at 13.1 but I am so looking forward to it.

And I'm not gonna lie...I almost quit at mile 5 and I really, I mean really had to push the last .2 miles.  I literally collapsed on the floor when I got home.  Hot, Sweaty, Stinky, Sore - PROUD Mere

And a special shout out to the women who have pushed me to keep this goal going and who I look to everyday for inspiration.  Hop on over to their blogs and check them out - Melanie, Elle Noel and Gina!


On another note...tomorrow is the last day to sign up for the Cuddlebug Cards Give Away.  It's 50 Free Cards and Labels people and just by being a follower you can enter.  Go Sign Up...you have a really good chance of winning!  

Check out this talent...the give away can be used for Birth Announcements, Invites, Christmas Cards...whatever is on my etsy shop or something totally CUSTOM!


  1. You rock!! I can't wait to look back at my now killer two mile runs and think it is easy. Thanks for sharing!

  2. OMG you did AWESOME!!!!! You should be so proud of yourself. WTG!!! and thank you for the shout out - THANK YOU.. it means the world to me. I love running and am so glad others do too.

  3. 7 miles is huge...and more than halfway through a half! You'll be addicted like the rest of us, just you watch;-) GREAT JOB!

  4. I nominated you for a liebster! You can check it out on my blog :)
