
Happy 3rd Birthday Vlog!

Happy Birthday Addison Michelle!  I can't believe you are 3 years old today, it feels like just yesterday you were my tiny little newborn.

We had a sugar filled FUN day today!  Mike and I both took off work and we had an "Addi" day.  We let her pick what we did all day today.  We started with Bounce Houses and ended with cupcakes...what 3 year old wouldn't love this.  So here's a little picture recap - 

Bounce House Fun!

Lunch at the Purple Cow

And who doesn't love presents and a cupcake with a ginormous mound of icing!

And here's Addison's Vlog debut...I saw this idea on Pinterest to ask your kiddo the same questions each year on their birthday and I thought it would be fun to do it on video.  So here is Addi answering my 15 questions...she is such a silly girl :)

Here are the questions and the answers:
  1. How old are you?  3
  2. What is your favorite thing to eat?  Blueberry Pie
  3. What is your favorite animal?  Zebra
  4. What is your favorite color?  Pink
  5. Who is your best friend?  Addison
  6. What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy?  Play
  7. What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy?  Play with toys
  8. What is your favorite book?  Christmas
  9. What do you want to be when you grow up?  A Big Kid
  10. What is your favorite game?  Doggy
  11. What do you sleep with at night?  Thumper and Wubby and Stuff
  12. What is your favorite toy?  Roxy
  13. What do you like to watch on TV?  Bee (Bee Movie)
  14. What is your favorite snack?  Blueberry Pie
  15. What was the best thing you did on your birthday?  Blueberry Pie

Addison's 3 Year Old Stats:
Weight - 33.4 pounds (75%)
Height - 39.5 inches (95%)


  1. Oh my gosh! The blueberry pie was precious! Happy birthday to your sweet girl.


  2. OMG I want to watch so bad and I can't here, ugh.... I will for sure when I get home. I love this. Happy 3rd B-day sweet girl

  3. What a cute idea! She is so adorable!

  4. Happy Birthday Addison! This video was precious!
