
2013 Goal Recap!

I can't believe it's March already...where in the heck have the past two months gone?  Since we are in March, I thought I'd do a little recap on how I was doing on my 2013 Goals:

My 2013 Goals Were...

1.  Run a 1/2 Marathon - I'm still in it...February 24th is the day and I am going to rock the Cowtown Half. 

Whoop! Whoop!  Goal #1 can be crossed off the list.  I ran my first half on February 24th and finished in 2:26 minutes which I was VERY proud of.

2.  Get my life reorganized and get things accomplished that I've been meaning to do for a long time.      Another post with a plan on this at a later date.

Have not touched much of this yet...but still planning on doing some serious reorganizing this Spring.  I love the 40 bags in 40 days and may have to try this.

3.  Turn off technology at night and on the weekends and spend quality time with my girl and hubby.  I am an iPhone addict and I need to learn how to put it down and focus on my family more.  

I wish I could say I've done more of this...but hate to say I'm still on my phone more at night than I should be.  I really am trying to put the phone, chores and "mommy" duties aside until after little Miss goes to bed so that we have some play time at night.

4.  Lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks - I've been running but I've been eating like CRAP and I haven't been doing any cross training.  We have a cruise coming up in 10 weeks...eek!  This means that my butt has to be in a swimsuit on March 7.  So the plan is to try and lose 10 pounds in the next 10 weeks.  And this will put me at my goal weight...yay!

I am uber proud of myself on this one!  I can't wait to show you guys the results this week.  Our cruise got moved to March 14 due to the crazy fire on the Triumph.  But this girl will be rocking a bikini :)    

5.  Pay off all debt!  We will be debt free by 2014 :)

One car down and one credit card down.  I love seeing $0.00 :)  We are on our way to being debt free thanks to this debt snowball calculator.   

6.  Continue to build on my small business Cuddlebug Cards.

I'm gradually working on adding cards.  It's a slow process with everything else but I love getting orders and doing custom work.  Check out this cute card I recently did for a friend's little girl.   


7.  Learn how to use my new camera!  My friend Carrie did something called Project 365 last year and I love the idea.  I am going to do my very best to take a picture everyday for a year.

Big Fat Fail!  I have to give Carrie lots of kudos...I couldn't rise to this challenge.  I love my new camera but Project 365 is not for me.      


So 2 months in and I'm doing pretty good...I've checked off a few and realized I'm not a SuperWoman.  I have very lofty expectations for myself but sometimes the couch (and wine) gets the best of me.  

How are you doing on your 2013 resolutions/goals?  Anyone else have some big fat fails?


  1. I am so looking into this snowball debt calculator... we will be close, but I don't think it will be at 0 by December. It's such a good feeling trying though. :)

  2. Congrats on paying off that card! That's the best feeling! Cruisin in March?! Jealous!!!

  3. I'm anxious to see your results...already at goal weight?!! Great work! and the debt paid off is great too! Nice to see all areas of your goals getting accomplished----I really have to try hard on the phone thing too at night.

  4. Congrats on paying off the car and a credit card, Mere! It's great to know that the debt snowball calculator is working really well for you and your family. I also like the idea that you're building on your small business, as it means that you've got some extra income that you can allocate to pay your remaining debt or save as emergency funds.
