
Super Bowl Recipes!

I love recipe link ups!  And this one is right down my alley...who doesn't love gorging out to tons of yummy dips, appetizers and alcoholic beverages :)  

This dip recipe is soooo good and soooo easy!  It is a hit anytime I bring it to a party and anything that starts with 2 blocks of cream cheese just can't be bad.  

Spicy Sausage Dip
2 Blocks of Cream Cheese (Softened)
1 Pound of Sausage (Either Hot or Regular)
1 Can Rotel Tomatoes (Either Hot or Original)

Brown your sausage in a saucepan and drain.  Add sausage, cream cheese and rotel back to the sauce pan until it's melty and gooey.  Put in a crockpot on warm or in a serving bowl.  Serve with fritos or tortilla chips (I love Scoops).

This dip does not dissapoint and I've never tried it but I bet you could even make it {Skinny}with Fat Free Cream Cheese and Turkey Sausage.

Thanks to Amy for hosting this fun link up...can't wait to see everyone else's yummy recipes!


  1. This looks delish! I love making all kinds of dips. I'll have to remember this one. New follower by the way. :)

  2. Thanks so much for linking up Meredith! This dip sounds really good and seems pretty easy to make. I'm not much of a cook, so the easier the better. :-)

  3. This dip sounds amazing.

  4. We make this and LOVE it. My mom started it out in our family. Love it.

  5. Wow, that's super simple! Can't wait to try it!

  6. Can't wait to try this. Love an easy recipe that pleases! :)
