
10 lbs in 9 weeks...it's on!

This girl is getting back on track!  The holidays did me so, so wrong and I ended up gaining a couple unwanted lbs.  But this girl has a cruise (and swimsuit) to be on in 9 weeks...yikes.  So I'm going to be hittin hard over the next 9 weeks and taking off these last 10 pounds.

I can't wait to be on this boat!!!
Let me start by saying that I have a tough time staying committed if I try to do everything at once.  I saw this idea on a blog and for the life of me I can not find it (sorry to whoever I copied it from).  You make weekly goals and then add a new goal each week.  This keeps it interesting and gives you a new challenge each week.  So here's my plan...

  • Weigh in each Monday 
  • One cheat meal a week

Week 1 (Dec 31 - Jan 6)
  • Drink lots and lots of water (and go potty every 5 minutes)
  • No eating after 7 pm at night 
Week 2 (Jan 7 - Jan 13)
  • Drink lots and lots of water
  • No eating after 7 pm at night
  • Run Sunday (7 miles), Tuesday (3 miles), Thursday (3 miles) and Saturday (8 miles)
  • Track my calories in My Fitness Pal (merewoody) and stay between 1400-1500 calories
Week 3 (Jan 14 - Jan 20)
  • Drink lots and lots of water
  • No eating after 7 pm at night
  • Run Tuesday (3 miles), Thursday (3 miles)
  • Track my calories in My Fitness Pal (merewoody) and stay between 1400-1500 calories
  • Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Monday & Wednesday
  • Add a fresh fruit or veggie to every meal
Week 4 (Jan 21 - Jan 27)
  • Drink lots and lots of water
  • No eating after 7 pm at night
  • Run Monday (9 miles), Tuesday (3 miles), Thursday (3 miles), Saturday (10 miles)
  • Track my calories in My Fitness Pal (merewoody) and stay between 1400-1500 calories
  • Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Wednesday & Friday
  • Add a fresh fruit or veggie to every meal
  • No Carb Dinners on Tuesday and Thursday
Week 5 (Jan 28 - Feb 3)
  • Drink lots and lots of water
  • No eating after 7 pm at night
  • Run Tuesday (3 miles), Thursday (3 miles), Saturday (11 miles)
  • Track my calories in My Fitness Pal (merewoody) and stay between 1400-1500 calories
  • Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Monday & Wednesday
  • Add a fresh fruit or veggie to every meal
  • No Carb Day on Tuesday and Thursday
After 5 weeks I'm going to re-evaluate and see if I need to do anything different.  I really, really, really want to get this weight off.  February will make 1 full year of working out consistently and I want to get to my goal (and look HOT in a swimsuit)!  And by posting this now I HAVE to do it :)


  1. That looks like an awesome plan!! Good luck, I know you can do it!!

  2. Great idea, great plan! I will have to try that!
