
Big Loss Baby! 10 LBS in 10 Weeks - Week 4

Weight Loss this week:

-2.4 LB

So I guess no carbs really does pay off!  This is a HUGE number for me this week and I totally kicked that 1 LB gain last week.  My typical weight loss is rarely over 1 pound a week so I was really pumped when I stepped on the scale this morning and it said this:

We bought this scale over the weekend and it is sooooo much better than our old school dial scale.

Here were my goals for Week 4 (Jan 21 - Jan 27):
  • Drink lots and lots of water
  • No eating after 7 pm at night
  • Run Monday (9 miles), Tuesday (3 miles), Thursday (3 miles), Saturday (10 miles)
  • Track my calories in My Fitness Pal (merewoody) and stay between 1400-1500 calories
  • Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Wedneday & Friday
  • Add a fresh fruit or veggie to every meal
  • No Carb Dinners on Tuesday and Thursday

This week was a good eating week for me and even though I hate No Carbs I actually did the no carb dinners on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  And I have to say thank goodness for this blog and My Fitness Pal for accountability or else I would have totally been stuffing my face with Cheeze It's, Cookies and any other carb I could find.

Also, I learned something this week...I should not say I'm doing No Carbs.  I am going without Simple Carbs (white flour, sweets, etc).  I am however allowing myself to have Complex Carbs - fruits, veggies, whole grains, etc.  Learn something new everyday!


I ran on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday!!  I did my long run on Friday and I am so stinking proud that I hit double digits.  My 10 miler was tough and I really had to push myself the last 2 miles.  My internal dialogue went something like this:

"You can quit anytime"
"No you have made it 9 miles, don't quit now"
"How the hell am I going to do 4 more miles in 4 weeks"
"Just keep going, one foot in front of the other"
"I'm so tired...I'm so tired...I'm so tired"
"Just think how proud you will be when you hit 10 miles"
"I'm so tired"
"Think of all you can eat with all the calories you are burning...yum french fries, pizza, wine!"

So let's get to the bottom of my inspiration...it's this blog making me accountable and not embarrassing myself AND my true love of wine and food.  I am a total foodie and exercising gives me more calories :)  I need a shirt that says "I run so I can drink WINE!"

So what's in store for Week 5?

Week 5 (Jan 28 - Feb 3)
  • Drink lots and lots of water
  • No eating after 7 pm at night
  • Run Tuesday (3 miles), Thursday (3 miles), Saturday (11 miles)
  • Track my calories in My Fitness Pal (merewoody) and stay between 1400-1500 calories
  • Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Monday & Wednesday
  • Add a fresh fruit or veggie to every meal
  • No Carb Day on Tuesday and Thursday

Tomorrow is my first No Carb (Simple Carb) day and here's my eating plan:
Breakfast: Green Smoothie
Snack:  Light Cheese Stick
Lunch:  Big A** Salad - Chicken, Corn, Beans, Salsa, Cheese
Snack:  Okios Greek Yogurt with Honey
Dinner:  Pulled Pork, Beans and Deviled Eggs

I'm crossing my fingers for another loss this week and praying I can make it through the 11 miles next Saturday.  And thanks to Holly for sharing the next blogger dietbet that starts next week.  It's $35 and that bigger motivator than winning cash for losing weight!  Go sign up :)

And I apologize for all the weight loss/running posts...I have blogger block and crazy life syndrome right now but I am going to try and get some more fun things up this week.


  1. Awesome!

    Man, maybe I am going to actually give this no carb thing a try, I just love them so much. Good job!

  2. Good job, Meredith! Way to get it done! :)

  3. Way to go friend!!! No carbs pays off!!!

  4. Your doing awesome! I need to try a day of no carbs!

  5. way to freaking go!!! that is awesome! keep up the good work....gah, I hope I am brave enough to sign up for the new diet bet....

  6. 10lbs in 10weeks in incredible!!!
