
28 Weeks...Third Trimester!

Pregnancy - 28 weeks:

Weight Gain?  +25.2 pounds - I only wanted to gain between 25-35 pounds this time around but looks like that may be impossible.  Crossing my fingers the weight gain slows down in the third trimester.

Sleep?  Getting tired all over again.  I swear I hit 28 weeks and exhaustion hit me like a ton of bricks.  Last night I literally did not leave the couch.

Best Moment this week?  Addison felt her brother move!  She really doesn't have much patience for him but we were watching cartoons on Sunday morning cuddling on the couch and she actually sat still long enough to feel him kick.

And I'm officially in my Third Trimester...whoo hoo...only 12 more weeks until we get to meet our little man :)

Miss Anything?  Haha...being able to keep my legs closed when I sit down.  I know this totally sounds stupid but putting my knees together while sitting is very uncomfortable.  I am sure I look so classy and ladylike while sitting.

Sweets...I haven't totally avoided them but I have my glucose test today and I'm nervous about it for some reason.  So I've really tried to eat a little healthier the last 2 weeks.  Wish me luck!

Exercise?  Yes I started running again!  It is heaven and I missed it sooooo much.  I am only doing intervals of running for a minute and walking for 30 seconds.  And I'm only doing about 2 miles but man does it feel great to pound pavement again.  I'm super super slow and listening to my body but so far so good.

Movement?  Mainly after I eat and when I lay down.  

Size of the Baby?  Large Eggplant - 2 1/4 pound and 14.8 inches

Belly?  All baby :)  Can't believe I'm posting this but I want a record of how my belly looks without clothes - so here goes.  I am pretty straight out with this one.

Food Cravings?  Pumpkin Ice Cream...so I was at the store and saw this:

It is amazing and only 90 calories for 1/2 cup.  I may or may not eat it out of the container :)

Gender?  It's a BOY!  My daughter and Mike are set on the name Austin but I haven't given in yet.  I have a long list of names I love but my hubby isn't on board with any of them except Austin.  Here's the list - what do you think?

Pregnancy Symptoms?  Back pain...I think this is going to continue unfortunately until the end :(  So the heating pad will be my new bestie.  And the other perk is nightly massages from the hubby!

1 comment:

  1. Pumpkin Ice Cream.....MUST TRY! Well, I am bias to Parker since that's my little boy's name but you also have my runner up name, Kason, except I was going to spell it Cason. Glad you were able to pound the pavement.
