
Catching Up....July (Part 2)! It's A _________!

We were all super excited to find out what we were having...my appointment was scheduled for July 22 and I was 17 weeks and 6 days!  We took Addison out of school and had told EVERYONE that we were finding out the sex that day.

But...when we got there the Doctor told me I had screwed up and that we weren't supposed to have our anatomy scan that day.  WOMP!  WOMP!  I have had some serious pregnancy brain with this pregnancy.

I think the Doctor must have felt sorry for me because she let us go take a quick peek anyway!  I could have kissed that woman :)  There would have been nothing worse than having all that anticipation built up for me and all our family and friends and not being able to find out.

She took us in the sonogram room and pretty much immediately Mike and I could see what it was.  She even said...wow this one isn't shy!

And this is what we saw...


And the other great part was that he looked healthy as can be :)  We were all excited but I think my husband was the most excited of all...he and Addison went into the hallway while I was making my next appointment and when I walked out he was literally dancing in the hallway.

We went home and called all our family to let them know and everyone was super excited for us.  So....Addison will be the only girl on my side of the family and our new little one will be the only boy on Mike's side.

I have to admit...they say you have a gut instinct on these things and I did have a feeling that it was a boy.  I never really told anyone this because honestly either sex would have been A OK with me.  But even though I had a feeling I am still nervous about having a boy just because it's different and I'm used to my girl.  But I have heard from so many moms that boys steal your heart and you just have a different love for them.  

We are going to be blessed with a little girl and a little boy and I couldn't be happier!  This was going to be it for us anyway so I'm glad that Mike will have a Mike Jr. and I will have a Mere Jr.

And I finally started to get a little pooch of a belly...here's me at 18 weeks:

Pregnancy - 18 weeks:

Weight Gain?  +7.2 pounds

Sleep?  Sleeping great except the 500,000 times I have to get up to pee.

Best Moment this month?  Finding out the sex of the baby!  I also started to feel slight movement at 17 weeks. BEST. FEELING. EVER.

Miss Anything?  Not really...pregnancy is great right now!

Exercise?  Nope...wish I could say yes.

Movement?  Little kicks very low in my abdomen.  First movement I felt was at 17 weeks while I was sitting on the couch typing on my laptop.

Size of the Baby?  Bell Pepper - 5 1/2 inches

Belly?  Tiny little bump but still in regular clothes.  The Be Band is the best invention ever.  I'm not ready for maternity clothes quite yet but with this I can wear my regular clothes!  

Food Cravings?  Sweets...sweets....and more sweets!  My new craving - Mini Chewy Sweettarts. 

Gender?  It's a BOY!  No names picked out yet.

Pregnancy Symptoms?  Nothing unusual...feeling great!  I love the honeymoon period.


Catching Up....July (Part 1)!

July was a really fun month for us!  I had a great July 3 event...Addison went on her first airplane...We took a little family trip...my nephew was born...

And we found out the sex of our baby (stay tuned for July Part 2!)

The Independence Day event I run was a HUGE success this year.  We had a bigger crowd this year than we ever have.  It was amazing...and our fireworks are low level so they are literally in your face and beautiful.

I went home about 2 am July 3 and got up the next morning at 5:30 am to hop on a flight down to Houston and Galveston for the holiday weekend.  Our friends rented a condo down in Galveston and invited us to come stay with them...heck ya!  Mike couldn't leave on July 4 because he had to work so Addi and I decided to fly down and then he would drive down and meet us for the weekend.  She had never been on an airplane before so she was super excited.

She was being goofy...but was REALLY good on the flight.  Granted it was only 45 minutes.

My good friend Rachael picked us up from the airport and we hung out that day and let the girls play.

We headed to Freedom Fest in Houston that night.  The lady that books the talent for me for our festivals also runs that one so we were able to get into VIP with free food and drinks.  It was really fun and we left the kiddos home with a sitter so it was nice and relaxing.

Martina McBride - Independence Day (Up close and personal)

Addi was still awake when we got home from the concert so we let her play with sparklers and she loved it.

The next day Mike got in and we headed down to Galveston!  

We stopped for lunch before we headed down to Jamaica beach.

This was the view from our beach house in Jamaica Beach!

We literally stayed on the beach the entire weekend...Addison LOVED jumping waves.  

Addison and Daddy

The friends we went with...plus there were a few more not pictured.  There were 13 of us total!

Morning walk on the beach while everyone else slept in.

Ms Priss

These two cuties were inseparable...they loved playing together :)

Our last night on the beach

This girl was worn out and slept a good 2 hours of the trip home.

We got home on Sunday and about an hour after we walked in the door, my nephew came over to spend the night because my sister was being induced the next day!!!  She got to the hospital that morning and by 11 am they called and said she was close to pushing.  We rushed to the hospital so this proud big brother could meet his new sibling.

My sister did not find out before what she was having...so Cody brought a girl and boy blanket to give his new sibling.

Cody telling us what sex the new bundle of joy was.

It's a BOY!  The proud new parents!

Addison loved her new baby cousin!

Sorry again for the SUPER long post...stay tuned for July Part 2...It's A _______!


Catching Up...June!

Almost totally caught up...Sorry - I want my blog to be in order...so my OCD self won't write anything current until I'm 100% caught up.

So June - 

June entailed lots of relaxing, fun in the sun and family time!  I missed my family soooo much.  I was so crazy busy in May and didn't get to spend nearly enough time with everyone.

Mike went on a boy's camping trip the first weekend in June so Addi and I had a mommy/daughter weekend.  It was so nice to spend time with my girl.

We went and saw her first 3D movie...Epic!

And went to a fireworks show - which she HATED!  We ended up having to leave after about 2 minutes of fireworks.  

June 14-16 was full of excitement!  We thought my sister was going into labor on June 14 :)  So my nephew came over to play and the kiddos played outside in the sprinklers.  They had a blast...but WOMP, WOMP false alarm on the new baby.  She was just dehydrated and it caused her to start having contractions - when she went in they pumped her full of fluids and sent her home.

And June 16 was Mike's birthday and Father's Day.  We celebrated his birthday on Saturday, June 15 with with his favorite home cooked meal (Blackened Chicken Pasta), a Nothing Bundt Cake carrot cake and some gifts.  Addison set the table in our "nice" dining room for family dinner and we even drank out of wine glasses (with juice for me or Addi).  

Yummy cake!

And Presents!

Then father's day started out with Dad's favorite breakfast - Biscuits, Homemade Sausage Gravy and scrambled eggs.  And of course...more gifts!

Addison wrote a special message inside his card and was reading it to him - so cute!

She loves her Daddy!

And then we headed over to my parent's house to swim and celebrate with my parents and family!  My dad's birthday is June 13 too...so there was a lot to celebrate!

They love their Grampy!

My nephew and sister

My Grandpa

And of course we had to have cake and sing to the Birthday Boy!  

June ended pretty uneventful with lots of playing in our little pool and family time :)

Pregnancy - 14 weeks:

Weight Gain?  +4 pounds

Sleep?  Catching up on sleep from May...finally being able to rest without having to take a unisom.

Best Moment this month?  The 14 week appointment was the first one that Mike was able to go to.  Typically I wouldn't have a sonogram until 18-20 weeks but since Mike was there and we were the last appointment of the day she said come on let's go take a peek at that baby :)  It was great for the peace of mind to get to see our little muchkin.

Also, I finally told everyone at work that I was expecting!

Miss Anything?  Not really...trying to be good about eating. 

Exercise?  Nope...wish I could say yes.

Movement?  Not yet

Size of the Baby?  Lemon - 3 1/2 inches

Belly?  Just getting chubby but still in regular clothes.  No baby bump yet.

Food Cravings?  Fresh fruit...my newest obsession - strawberries and grapes dipped in lite cool whip and vanilla yogurt mixed together.  YUM 

Gender?  Too Early

Pregnancy Symptoms?  Starting to get my energy back - I finally managed to stay awake past 10 pm!

I am so relieved to be out of the first trimester.  Now just waiting to feel that baby move.  


Catching Up....May!

May was just plain insane....between being in my first trimester and pulling off the biggest event I plan all year with over 15,000 people I was CRAZY tired.

There was tons of working from home...sleepness/stressful nights....and trying to get as much time in with my girl.

Our new nightly ritual became sharing Nutella and graham crackers!  Yum-O!

We told our families over Mother's Day weekend that we were pregnant!  They were all totally surprised...my mom seriously thought I was not going to have another baby.  Here is a video of my parents and sisters reaction!

The next weekend Addi went and stayed with my grandparents in Corsicana so we had a little break :) We went with some of our friends to a festival to see some live country music.  It was a fun date night until I lost my iPhone...and it SUCKED!  One week before my biggest event and I had no phone.  I luckily have a great friend who has let me borrow an older iPhone so I didn't have to spend $500 on a new phone.

This was before I lost my phone...and no those aren't my beers :)

And the next weekend was my big event!  And this is why I work day and night and do what I do....15,000 screaming people and smiles on faces :)

And I also snuck my little munchkin backstage to snap a Meet and Greet photo with Easton Corbin.  She has no idea who he is but one day she'll think it's cool :)

And the rest of May I was in recovery mode...I literally worked 18 hours straight then took a 2 hour nap and was back at work the next day and then off to a Memorial Day pool party.  Yep I'm crazy!

Pregnancy - 10 weeks:

Weight Gain?  +2.4 pounds

Sleep?  I had horrible insomnia...between the stress of my event and the having to get up to pee every 2 hours I ended up having to take a half of a unisom to stay asleep all night.

Best Moment this month?  Telling our families about our pregnancy!  

Miss Anything?  Sleep and my iphone :)

Exercise?  Trying to get a run in but not very successful...exercise took a backseat to work this month.

Movement?  Nope

Size of the Baby?  Kumquat, one inch

Belly?  Not showing yet

Food Cravings?  Not that I can remember :(

Gender?  Too Early

Pregnancy Symptoms?  Insomnia and headaches.


Catching Up...April! Our BIG News!

April was an exciting time at the Dowdy household!

We found out that we were expecting again!!!!!  Addison was so excited that she was going to be a Big Sister :)

I took a pregnancy test on April 16 and honestly I really didn't think I was pregnant.  But much to my surprise it was a big fat positive.  I had even made a bet with my hubby that if I was actually pregnant that he would get to name this one (which I'm now seriously regretting).  We had started trying on our vacation in March but we weren't planning out days like we did with Addison.  

I totally had symptoms leading up to the positive pregnancy test but like most women I thought maybe I was just making it up in my own head.  My boobs were sore the week before, I had some very light spotting and I had a yeast infection (sorry TMI) which I haven't had in like 5 years.  

We were super excited but kept the great news to ourselves throughout all of April and part of May.  I had a Doctor's appointment on April 30 to confirm the pregnancy and everything was great!  We are due with Baby #2 on December 24 (but crossing our fingers for an early appearance).  

We told Addison after the Doctor's appointment!  We surprised her with a Big Sister shirt and told her that mommy had a baby in her tummy.  As you can see by her smile...she was ecstatic!  

So...this is another big reason why I haven't been blogging.  I have been TIRED...and night time is when I typically have time to write.  But instead of writing I was in bed as soon as Addison was in bed.  My energy is finally coming back (I'm 21 weeks now) so I'm going to try and catch up a little bit at a time.    

Pregnancy - 6 weeks:

Weight Gain?  Starting Weight 142 lbs

Sleep?  Could sleep all. day. long.

Best Moment this week?  Finding out that the pregnancy is viable and seeing the sonogram.  Telling Addison she is going to be a big sister.

Miss Anything?  Wine, wine, wine!

Exercise?  Still running 

Movement?  Nope

Size of the Baby?  Lentil, .25 inches

Belly?  Not showing yet

Food Cravings?  Fruit and healthy foods.  No food aversions this time either.

Gender?  Too Early

Pregnancy Symptoms?  Just plain tired and sore boobies


Catching Up....March

Wow!!!  It has been 5 months since my last post.  Unfortunately, life got crazy and this momma had to prioritize and blogging became last on the list.  But...I'm back and catching up.

March Rundown:

NOLA and the Cruise!

After the LOOOOONNNNGGG drive from Dallas to New Orleans...we settled into our first vacation night with this!  

It was spring break and NOLA was crazy!  And I also learned that I'm too old to start drinking at 4 in the afternoon and trying to hang all night.    

The next morning we had breakfast in NOLA then boarded the boat and did a lot of relaxing and drinking!

Although the cruise was fun...this momma really, really missed my baby.  We had only left her before for a long weekend.  I was a total party pooper for about 24 hours and then got out of my funk and had a really good time with my hubby and our friends.  Here are a few more pics of our first adult vacation since we had Addison.

I total rocked the Bikini in Cozumel!  Best. Feeling. Ever. 

There was lots of yummy adult beverages and food that is BAD for you.

Me and the Hubs in Cozumel

Our party crew!

Formal Night on the Cruise

It was a crazy, fun trip and was definitely well needed for me and my hubby.  But I was really ready to get back home to my little girl.

Addison really loved Easter this year.  I think this is the first year she really enjoyed coloring eggs and hunting Easter eggs. 

Spring Fun!
And we also took a trip to the Grapevine Botanical Gardens for some cute spring pictures and fun.  

And that was our busy March!  

Also...a big, huge thank you for all the positive feedback on me hitting my goal weight.