But...when we got there the Doctor told me I had screwed up and that we weren't supposed to have our anatomy scan that day. WOMP! WOMP! I have had some serious pregnancy brain with this pregnancy.
I think the Doctor must have felt sorry for me because she let us go take a quick peek anyway! I could have kissed that woman :) There would have been nothing worse than having all that anticipation built up for me and all our family and friends and not being able to find out.
She took us in the sonogram room and pretty much immediately Mike and I could see what it was. She even said...wow this one isn't shy!
And this is what we saw...
And the other great part was that he looked healthy as can be :) We were all excited but I think my husband was the most excited of all...he and Addison went into the hallway while I was making my next appointment and when I walked out he was literally dancing in the hallway.
We went home and called all our family to let them know and everyone was super excited for us. So....Addison will be the only girl on my side of the family and our new little one will be the only boy on Mike's side.
I have to admit...they say you have a gut instinct on these things and I did have a feeling that it was a boy. I never really told anyone this because honestly either sex would have been A OK with me. But even though I had a feeling I am still nervous about having a boy just because it's different and I'm used to my girl. But I have heard from so many moms that boys steal your heart and you just have a different love for them.
We are going to be blessed with a little girl and a little boy and I couldn't be happier! This was going to be it for us anyway so I'm glad that Mike will have a Mike Jr. and I will have a Mere Jr.
And I finally started to get a little pooch of a belly...here's me at 18 weeks:
Pregnancy - 18 weeks:
Weight Gain? +7.2 pounds
Sleep? Sleeping great except the 500,000 times I have to get up to pee.
Best Moment this month? Finding out the sex of the baby! I also started to feel slight movement at 17 weeks. BEST. FEELING. EVER.
Miss Anything? Not really...pregnancy is great right now!
Exercise? Nope...wish I could say yes.
Movement? Little kicks very low in my abdomen. First movement I felt was at 17 weeks while I was sitting on the couch typing on my laptop.
Size of the Baby? Bell Pepper - 5 1/2 inches
Belly? Tiny little bump but still in regular clothes. The Be Band is the best invention ever. I'm not ready for maternity clothes quite yet but with this I can wear my regular clothes!
Food Cravings? Sweets...sweets....and more sweets! My new craving - Mini Chewy Sweettarts.
Gender? It's a BOY! No names picked out yet.
Pregnancy Symptoms? Nothing unusual...feeling great! I love the honeymoon period.