
MIA Blogger...2 week recap!

I'm alive (and blogging)!!!  Yikes...I can't believe it's been almost 2 weeks since I've posted anything!  Life has been loco, crazy, nuts this last two weeks.  I have SOOO much to catch up on...but here's a short recap of what I have been doing:
  • Halloween!!!  I love this holiday and packed the last week and a half with tons of fun...parties, festivals, pumpkin patch, trick or treating.  You name it...we did it!  I will do a whole post about this later in the week.  And I've totally fallen off the wagon and eaten WAY too much Halloween candy.  

  • Working, working, working - gotta holla for a dolla - I wrapped up a really awesome Bluegrass Festival and Chili Cook Off and I have a Veterans Day Celebration this Friday.  Plus I'm speaking at a conference on Friday.  I've been working late, working from home and trying to multitask my way through the last two weeks.

  • Family Time - My grandparents came into town for Halloween and stayed with us for 3 days!  We had a blast and they got some good quality time with Addison.  And we had a baby shower for one of my cousins and I got to see some of my aunts and cousins that I haven't seen in awhile.  I can't believe I didn't get one pic of my grandparents with Addison while they were here but we did get a few of my nephew and Addison before trick or treating (aren't' they the CUTEST!)

  • Cooking - I love when fall finally rolls around in Texas...this means soups, pumpkins, chili, Mexican food and family :)  I made a few of my favs...buffalo chicken dip and chili...yummy!

  • Pile on the Miles - Thank you to Melanie for the info on Pile on the Miles!  I'm excited to participate and have so many people holding me accountable.   I actually have found some time to run :)  Like I've said before, this is my stress relief so I try my best to not cut this out when I do stress.  But I'm not liking this darn time change.  It was dark when I got home from work today and I'm a big ole scardy cat and don't like running in the dark so I'm going to try and get a few runs in during work.
  • PileOnTheMiles

I've missed everyone!  And...better late than never...I got nominated for a Liebster award - thank you Sonya at Healthy Sew.   You are super sweet and now I'm finally answering your questions:

1.  What's your middle name?  Michelle...I love my middle name and even passed it down to my daughter.  
2.  Last book you read?  The Very Hungry Caterpillar...no joke :)  I used to love to read every night before I went to bed, but by the time my head hits the pillow now I'm out.  I don't know if I could even get through a page without passing out.  Before I had Addison, I loved to read Nicholas Sparks, Jodi Picoult and Stephanie Myers (yes I was a HUGE Twilight fan).  
3.  Favorite "healthy" food - Grilled Chicken - I marinate mine in Roasted Red Pepper dressing and grill it.  I love it because it's so versatile - I can make a few breasts and can put them into a ton of different recipes or just eat them with some steamed veggies. 
4.  Favorite "non-healthy" food - Chips and Queso - I'm a tex mex junkie and could eat chips and queso for a meal (and no joke in moments of weakness I totally do this).
5.  Favorite drink, other than water - Ummm...this is not a tough one at at all...wine!!!
6.  Where were you born?  Born and raised in Dallas!  I have never lived anywhere else and don't think I ever will.
7.  Favorite form of exercise - Runnin, runnin and runnin, runnin.  
8.  Favorite sport to watch - I am not a huge sports fan but I do love watching the Cowboys play.  Even though they are a major disappointment and joke right now.  I will always be a lifelong fan and watch them even when they are totally sucking.
9.  Favorite quote - "Seriously?" - From Grey's Anatomy
10.  How would your friends & family describe you?  Hopefully they would say I'm a great mom, wife and friend.  
11.  Favorite TV Show - Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice.  But if you ask my daughter, she would totally say Dora!

Thank you again Sonya and sorry I'm just now posting this!  

And thank you Holly and Darci for checking in on me :)


  1. Geez Louise, you have been a busy woman. And no worries, pretty much all of your blogger friends fell of the weightloss train over Halloween. And I am excited you are doing POTM!

    Cheers to running {and chips & queso}! :)

  2. YAY you are back... I have missed you. Those Halloween costumes are adorable. I am so excited for the POTM - we got this girl:)

  3. I could live off of buffalo chicken dip. That stuff is crack!

  4. Glad you're back! My husband is a huge fan of the buffalo chicken dip and I love me some good chili. Yum and Yum.

    I love reading about how you and others are doing the POTM. I wish my silly foot would stop hurting so that I could run. AHHH. Anyway, great job girl!
