
Is a big race in my future?

That is the question I am asking my body this month?  I joined in the Pile on the Miles and I'm loving the accountability factor.  So far...I've done 21 of the 50 miles I committed myself to...whoo hoo :)


But...my ultimate goal for this month is pushing my body to run longer and farther.  I have always had a half marathon on my bucket list but never believed that I could actually accomplish this.  I've been running since the spring of 2011 (Check out how I started here) but I've started and stopped and never been totally committed.  But the last 6 months there has not been a single week that I did not run...so now I actually consider myself a runner.

This month is my test...I have a half marathon in mind...the Cowtown Marathon in Fort Worth.  And I have looked up a 16 week training program which I'm two weeks into.  If I can make the 7 mile run on December 1 then I'm signing up and committing to the Cowtown (anyone want to join me?).

This means I will run my longest distances ever, push my body to it's limit and be so stinkin proud of myself.  The other thing I'm hoping for is that this will push my weight loss to the next level.  I think my hardest challenge right now is finding safe trails and daylight to actually get the miles in.

Anyone have any advice I would love to hear it!


  1. I'm having the same problems right now, Daylight in which to run :( Sign up for the half Mere!! Long races = most bad ass biotch feeling you could ever give yourself. I'm unnaturally excited to run mine :) Happy Thursday!

  2. I love how dedicated you are! I started running earlier this year, but due to some crazy foot problems, I had to stop, and now with being pregnant, I am really taking it easy. Still walking, but not going to do all that bouncing around that I do whilst running.

    I am sure you can do it, you're doing a great job, already on week 2 of 16! You can do this! :)

  3. You go girl. I started C25K last night, and almost died, but here I am today!

  4. You can totally do it; and you WILL be super proud of yourself. Not many better feelings:-) Sign up & there's no turning back;-) I had to do most of my marathon training on the TM during the week and just got outdoors on the weekends for my LR's. Some LR's were done on the TM or 1/2 & 1/2 as I had to do them at the butt crack of dawn in order to not mess up other "normal family plans!" I'm always more committed with a goal race and training plan in hand:-)

  5. What exactly is "pile on the miles"? I have seen others mention that. I say go for it! I'm thinking about signing up for one too.

    Found you through Holly!

