
Putting it in Perspective

The post I had planned today was not this one - I was planning on showing off my baking skills with the French Toast Casserole I made yesterday for Bosses' Day.  BUT when I got in my car this morning to head to work I was moved to do something different.

This post is all about being thankful for the healthy child I have at home.  When I flipped on the radio today to my favorite morning show, they were doing Kidd's Kids Day.  This group of DJ's does something special each year where they dedicate one day to ask for donations to take 50 families with terminally or chronically ill children to Disney World.  I cried the entire way to work this morning and not because everything they said was sad, but because I am just so thankful that I have a healthy little girl!

I can not imagine how parents with kids that have terminal or chronic illnesses cope each day.  I can honestly say I'm not sure that this is something I could handle.  And I praise them for all their strength, courage and ability to put one foot in front of the other each day.  So, today I am giving to Kidd's Kids and I am going to Raising Canes for lunch where 15% of the proceeds go back to this organization.  I am paying my "healthy kid tax" and I am very happy to do this.

And when I get home today, I'm going to hug my daughter just a little tighter and read her that one extra story she asks for every night because you never know what can happen.  Thank you Kidd's Kids for the reminder of how lucky I truly am for this beautiful girl.


  1. Sweet. I can't imagine that level of sadness either. May God bless each family.

    The picture of you and your daughter is precious!!

  2. Great reminder. Thanks for posting this.

    Beautiful picture!

  3. Awww Meredith this is a great post. I love the picture and you are so right. My nephew has CF and is in and out of the hospital - my heart aches for my brother. I realize just how blessed I am to have 2 beautiful healthy children:)
