
My Baby's Growing Up

These pics might actually make me cry!  My baby is growing up too fast :(

December 2009 - 3 Weeks Old
June 2010 - 6 months
December 2010 - 1 year
June 2011 - 18 months
December 2011 - 2 years
May 2012 - 2 1/2 years
September 2012 - 2 3/4 years

I am so proud of this little girl and how smart and sweet she can be.  Her new favs that make me smile:
  • Butterfly kisses and Eskimo kisses 
  • Reading Halloween Books - we read them at least 4 times a day and she has memorized them
  • Movies - her latest fav is Bee Movie
  • Playing pretend - she is the mommy and I am the "friend"
  • Gymnastics classes
  • Stickers! Stickers! Stickers!
  • iPad Games
  • Foods - Fruit Snacks, Squeeze Go Gurt, Chicken Nuggets, Cinnamon Sugar anything
  • Singing Taylor Swift - Never Ever, Ever Getting Back Together

I'm going to do a little bragging about what a smart cookie Addison is!  She goes to Montessori school and just got moved up to the 3-5 year old class (3 months early) and is doing great.  Her school, Wonderland Montessori, is amazing!  The teachers and the curriculum are great and I could not be happier with how she's doing.  

Okay enough bragging about my girl!  I'm so proud to be her mommy and I love her more than I could have ever imagined I would.  


  1. She is gorgeous! I have an almost three year old too, I love this age.

  2. She is so cute! And they grow up so fast. I found myself watching videos taken after Kendall was born this weekend and crying like a baby!

  3. Such a pretty girl! Isn't it amazing how fast they grow up? We just had Cooper's 3rd birthday party and I cannot believe he's already so grown up!

  4. Oh my gosh, I found your blog through http://www.thestanfieldclan.com/ - this awesome lady and I think we might have girls almost the same age - how old is yours? My daughter's birthday is 11/12/09 :) I just started my own blog at glutenfreemamalemay :) Come visit!
