
Pinterest Challenge - Day 18 - The Magic of Photoshop

Day 18 Pinspiration - Click here for a link to my pin

 Gotta give credit where credit is due - this pin came from Pioneer Woman.

My Version - The Magic of Photoshop

So we've all seen the amazing pics of celebrities that are photoshoped like crazy to make them look like super stars.  Photoshop is truly amazing and can completely transform pictures into beautiful masterpieces.  When my sister took pics of Addison in her romper I also snuck in for some cute mommy daughter pics - this is my favorite (after editing of course - I hate the under eye circles).

I recently discovered something in Photoshop that I had no clue existed - Photoshop Actions!

They are pretty much prerecorded editing of photos that someone else has done for really cool effects.  I love the Pioneer Woman and she has 2 sets of actions for FREE!  Check out her blog to download them.

Here is a picture of my cute nephew and some of the actions I used.  I also cropped it down and fixed the little boo boo on his nose.  Thanks Pioneer Woman - I love ya!

Didn't they turn out cute...I think my favorite is the warmer - which one do you like?

Hope you all go download them - they are so much fun to play with!

Don't forget - One lucky reader will win a $30 gift card to Target.  All you have to do is follow my blog (click on the “Join my site” button under My Followers) and comment on one of my 30 day Pinterest Challenge posts.  Each comment will get you one entry for the gift card…so comment one time or every day.


  1. Hey!! Found your blog through my friend @ runningafterbabiez! Love your pinterest challenges :) Stop by and say hello if you get a chance :)


  2. So cute:) I love the warmer. Playing around with photos is so much fun.

  3. Don't ya just love photo shop?! Thanks for the tips! I like warmer and boost best, but let's face it, they're all adorable! Your nephew is just precious! Have a great day!

  4. I like warmer and Boost! Photoshop is on my Christmas wishlist!!! Right now, since I work at a web design company, I have to sneak them over to our designer to do for me! ha!

  5. I love the warmer. I want Photoshop so bad. Right now, I use Gimp. It's free haha!
