
Crazy Cousins

My niece and sister in law came to town last weekend and the girls had a BLAST!  They are from Nacogdoches and came for 4 days.  The girls (Kenzie - 8 & Addi - 2) wore each other out from early morning to late night.  We were VERY busy - we went to a carnival, a movie (Addi's first), swimming, the park and played in the sprinklers with playdough, dancing, fort making, doll playing and riding bikes mixed in between.  Here are some of the highlights:

Silly Girls!

Dancin! Dancin! Dancin!

Playing in the Sprinklers...Even Mammy couldn't resist :)

We loved having them here and were sad to see them go home.  Addi still gets up in the mornings and asks where Kenzie and Aunt Krystal are.  

And I apologize for the horrible pictures...Addi broke my camera so I'm just using my Iphone and it is not the best...hoping for a new one VERY soon. 

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