
The Jog Blog - Week 3

It's HOT!!!  I'm trying to stay on track with running but summer is coming early for Texas.  I managed to get to 3.25 miles this week but I'm about a half mile off my goal.  I'm going to have to step it up but I think I'm going to have to keep my runs really early in the morning or really late in order to make it through. 

I'm tracking my runs on my iphone with the app Runkeeper and I love it.  You can set it to inturrupt your music and tell you miles per hour, distance, time, etc.  It helps me keep on pace and push myself a little harder.  Here is the app:

Here is my progress this week -

Saturday (4.28.12) - 3.08 miles @ 00:37:04
Sunday (4.29.12) - 2.20 miles @ 00:27:18
Monday (4.30.12) - 3.25 miles @ 00:36:41
Wednesday - Insanity

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